Teaching (in Secondary Education) is my original profession, which I chose hoping to contribute to the social and personal growth of young individuals. Upon realizing that the school system I was working in did not leave enough room to do this, I gained qualifications in Outdoor Learning and Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE), left public service as a teacher, and worked as a facilitator for team development in the profit and non profit sector. Offering my insights from OAE to alleviate some shortcomings in the formal school system, I conducted my PhD research project on ‘Experiential Education in the classroom’ and went into train-the-trainer facilitation. Further specialisations and qualifications followed.
In 2013, I joined the Outdoor Environmental Education Unit at Moray House with an EU-funded research project. Since then, I have been teaching on the MSc Outdoor Environmental Education and Initial Teacher Education programmes at Moray House as well as conducting my own research and being involved in varying projects.
- Staatsexamen (~MSc) in Special Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Germany)
- Staatsexamen (Teaching Certificate; State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
- Dr. phil. (Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany)
- Postgraduate Certificate of Academic Practice (The University of Edinburgh)
- Accredited as ‘Fellow‘ (Higher Education Academy)
- various professional qualifications
Responsibilities & Affiliations
- Academic advisor and Research coordinator, Centre of Innovative Education – an international foundation and EU lobbyist promoting innovative approaches to remedy educational challenges across Europe
- Co-founder and Train-the-trainer, Centre for Experiential Learning – a training and service provider for experiential learning and outdoor adventure education in Germany